
  • Your Launch Debrief Checklist

    Your Launch Debrief Checklist

    You’ve created, marketed, and launched your new offer — congratulations! Before you take a well-deserved break, spend a little time conducting a launch debrief while everything’s still fresh in your mind. The goal of a launch review is to calculate the success of your offer and identify which parts of the launch went well. And […]

  • How to Make the Most of Your Launch Debrief

    How to Make the Most of Your Launch Debrief

    How did your last launch go? Was your new offer a success? What should you do differently at your next launch? If you’re not sure, check out this Momentum Biz Vault resources. We’ve got everything you need to throw a fun (and data-driven) post-launch party. As your launch winds down, you probably want nothing more than […]

  • How to Create a Launch Plan That Builds Excitement (& Sales)

    How to Create a Launch Plan That Builds Excitement and Sales

    Getting ready to launch a new offer involves much more than just creating a product and putting it up for sale. You need time to build your audience’s interest and get them excited about your new offer.  What’s the best way to do that? Build a launch plan. By planning ahead, you can generate excitement […]

  • Do You Need a Launch Plan? Yes! Don’t Start Without One

    Announce your offer with a solid launch plan

    You’ve got your new offer all planned out — now you need to bring it to your customers! But launching a new offer starts long before your actual release date. That’s why you need a launch plan. A launch plan helps reduce stress by giving you a clear checklist of assets, from your sales page to […]

  • 3 Steps To Beta Test Your Offers Successfully

    3 steps to beta test your offers successfully

    “Start a beta group.” “Ask your beta testers.” “What about beta feedback?” Have you heard any of these as you’ve tried to create new offers? You’re not alone — and if you don’t know what it means, you’re not alone there, either. What is a Beta Test? Beta testing, especially for online entrepreneurs, is a […]

  • How to Ensure Your New Offer is a Success with Beta Testing

    How to beta test your business offers

    It’s a situation no business owner should have to experience. You create a brand-new offer and think your audiences will swoon over it. Then, after you put in all the hard work to launch your exciting creation, all you hear is crickets. Why isn’t anyone jumping at the opportunity to buy your new offer? What […]

  • Skyrocket Your Revenue With These 3 Steps To A Smash Hit Offer

    Skyrocket Your Revenue With These 3 Steps To A Smash Hit Offer

    Have you been toying with the idea of expanding your product suite, but you’re practically pulling your hair out trying to figure out what offer to launch, how, when, and a million other details?  Yep, we’ve all been there. Biz owners are extremely creative, and sometimes that creativity can lead to business overwhelm. After all, […]

  • How to Create an Irresistible Offer for Your Customers

    How to Create an Irresistible Offer for Your Customers

    Happy New Year! 🎉 Now that we’ve made it through the hectic holiday season, it’s time to turn our focus to the year ahead. What goals do you have for your business?  How do you plan to grow and scale?  What new offers do you want to bring to life? Before you hit the ground […]

  • Introducing the Momentum Biz Vault for Your Business Marketing

    Holly Jolly holiday promotions for your business

    When you first started your business, you may have grown quickly because you hustled to find new clients or customers. But as you’ve grown, you know you need to market your business so that those clients or customers find you.  That can be SO time-consuming, though. From creating Instagram graphics to thinking about emails or lead […]