Have you been toying with the idea of expanding your product suite, but you’re practically pulling your hair out trying to figure out what offer to launch, how, when, and a million other details? 

Yep, we’ve all been there. Biz owners are extremely creative, and sometimes that creativity can lead to business overwhelm. After all, the dream offers we want to run aren’t always smash-hits that bring us millions in revenue. And the offers we think will fall flat sometimes take off like a jet plane! 

But how do you know when an offer will be a smash hit? Or, better yet, what are some things you can do to almost guarantee that the next offer you run hits it out of the park? 

We’re so glad you asked!


Skyrocket Your Revenue With These 3 Steps To A Smash Hit Offer
Skyrocket Your Revenue With These 3 Steps To A Smash Hit Offer

1 | Market Research Like It’s Your Job!

There aren’t many entrepreneurs who find the idea of market research to be, uh, thrilling. Which is totally understandable. It can be hard and frustrating, sometimes leading to answers you don’t want to hear. 

But on the flip side, doing market research properly is kind of like finding a big hunk of gold sitting on the ground! When you have gobs of information about your audience and target customers at your fingertips, it’s very easy to make an offer they’ll love. This is why this should be step one of the process.

Yes, before you even create your offer. Even if you have an inspiration as to what you want that next program, service, or product to be, make sure you slow down and take the time to complete this step before moving on. 

And if you don’t yet have an idea, this step just might give you one! 

Good market research can be done in many different ways. There are even freelance services that will conduct the market research for you (though getting it done well might be a little costly). The basic things you need to know from the research are: 

  • What is your target market struggling with? 
  • If they could wave a magic wand, what problems would they fix and what products would they have? 
  • What other products or services on the market currently target your same audience? What do those products or services do well, and what can you improve upon? 
  • Are there any gaps in the market or industry that you can fill with a new product or service? 

Once you’ve got the market research portion down, it’s time to move on to step 2: creating a massively valuable offer. 

2 | Bring Massive Value

The best and most popular offers aren’t always the most expensive ones. But they are always the ones that provide their customers with the most value. 

Especially if you’re creating a digital product, it’s very easy to craft something that’s heavily value-driven without spending too much of your money on it. The overhead cost of a digital product is much less than material goods. 

However, we’re not saying to undersell yourself here! A group program that runs for 8 weeks and has a value-packed module, workbooks, and additional support shouldn’t be $100. 

But the truth is that a high-priced product like that likely won’t be a smash hit right out of the gate — or even ever. Products like that require a huge time and energy investment, both on your part and your customer’s part. 

So instead of creating a program, try to go for something that’s more product-based. For instance, take our Momentum Biz Vault! It might be priced at only $197 one-time payment, but we all know its value is worth over $1,500. 

And that’s all because, when we created the vault, we wanted to pack as much information and value as possible into it. 

Most of the time, your smash hit offer will be a lower ticket product, course, membership, or e-book that gives your audience extremely tangible, actionable advice.

3 | Map Out Your Launch Plan

The biggest piece to having a successful smash-hit offer is to map out a launch plan way ahead of time. 

We know, we know! Business owners like you and us love to do things on the fly. You get inspired to post about a brand-spanking new offer on Instagram… and you do! 

But the truth is that this marketing style likely won’t give you a wild revenue boost. You’ll probably get some sales from your most engaged audience members, but most of your audience won’t even want to click over to your sales page. Why? 

Because they have no idea what this offer is and why they should even consider exploring it. Our attention spans are incredibly short nowadays, and we’re all incredibly busy. We don’t have time to wander around the internet on a mission of discovery. 

However, if you have a solid launch plan and start promoting this new offer well ahead of time, the likelihood that people will want to buy from you increases tenfold. 

A good launch plan should not only warm your audience up to the offer before the sales page has even gone live but should actually pre-sell them. 

You want them so convinced that this offer is the key to changing their life that, by the time they hit the sales page, they already want to buy. All the info on the sales page is just icing on the cake, instead of a very long letter meant to convince them to give away their hard-earned money.

Final Thoughts

Creating a smash-hit offer doesn’t have to be one in a million. And while it’s not a guarantee, using these steps will definitely help you craft an offer that people want and need — and when that happens, getting them to buy is the easy part!

If you have a new offer and you want to create a sales funnel to support it, check out our sister brand, Bluchic. They have sales funnel templates — as well as WordPress templates for virtually any type of business.

And if you’ve not yet unlocked the Momentum Biz Vault, now’s the perfect time to change that!

In this guide, we’re talking all about how to create a smash-hit offer — and we’ve created an in-depth guide that walks you through this entire process. 

Here’s a glance at everything you’ll walk through and uncover with your ultimate guide:

  • Choosing a topic: How to look through multiple lenses to find a topic both you and your audiences are passionate about. What are their struggles, roadblocks, and desires? What makes your heart rate with excitement? What’s well within your zone of genius?
  • Creating your proposition value: What is the specific promise you can make to audiences? What exactly will they get out of your offer?
  • Choosing your offer format: Walk through the necessary steps to determine the most effective way to deliver your promise – whether that looks like a course, e-book, physical product, or anything else!
  • Common mistakes to avoid: Let’s make sure you take the necessary steps to avoid creating an offer that will take up unnecessary time and energy while sucking the enjoyment out of it.
  • How to make your offer over the top (in a good way): Work through any extra special details you can add to your offer to make it that much better for your audiences. It doesn’t have to be complicated or over-the-top – just enough to make your offer impossible to refuse!

PLUS, you also get this stock photo collection featuring a natural, minimalist workspace with neutral colors that will help you highlight your offer and work in the best light!

Our Canva templates will also help you create a slide deck that makes it easy to share your best ideas and offers.

stock photos with woman entrepreneur in natural workspace and tech mockups

Ready to create an offer they can’t refuse? Join the Momentum Biz Vault and unlock all the benefits of the vault, including access to all marketing guides, Canva templates, stock photos, and workshops from guest experts.