Did you know that client testimonial can be incredibly powerful for your business?

Okay, maybe you knew that already. So let’s phrase this question a bit differently:

Do you know how incredibly powerful client testimonials can be for your business? Research shows that it’s actually really important if you want to make a sale or book clients!

  • 88% of consumers rely on testimonials or reviews when deciding what to buy online
  • 72% of people say positive reviews and testimonials increase their trust in a business
  • Positive reviews and testimonials can increase conversions by an average of 34%

Those are some impressive stats.

The truth is, testimonials are just as important for your business as they are for large companies and big brand names. Whether you offer products, services, or both, testimonials can be one thing that sets you apart from someone else. Or the reason someone finally decides to invest in your products and services.

But you have to actually collect them before you can promote them.

Enter: This Momentum Biz Vault perks, where we’re sharing all things client testimonials! We’re providing resources for different types of testimonials, how to collect them from clients and customers, what questions to ask, the most common mistakes people make when using them, and so. much. more.


The Client Testimonial Guide Plus 60 Testimonial Graphics

This marketing guide, it’s all about collecting, creating, and sharing client testimonials. We’re giving you the insight into:

  • Different types of testimonials
  • How to collect testimonials
  • The dos and don’ts of using testimonials
  • The anatomy of written testimonials
  • How to use testimonials across different platforms
  • Where to place testimonials to drive more conversions
  • How to ask questions (with an email template included!)
  • What questions to ask clients and customers

You’ll also get access to 60 customizable Canva templates that will help you showcase your clients’ testimonials on Instagram and Pinterest like a pro!

Change the font and color to match your brand’s style and voila – you’re ready to impress potential clients with what others have to say about working with you. These amazing client testimonials Canva templates are a game-changer!

Want access to these marketing perks?

As a small business owner, I know firsthand how powerful client testimonials can be. And lucky for you, Momentum Biz Vault has got you covered with our amazing client testimonials templates and guide! 

Not only will you have access to those, but also to the all marketing guide, Canva templates, stock photos, copy templates, and guest expert workshops. 

So what are you waiting for? Join now and start collecting those glowing reviews from your satisfied clients!


How to Get a Client Testimonial for Your Business
How to Get a Client Testimonial for Your Business